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Use your Gift for the Glory of God


God has given everyone a GIFT (a talent) and a PURPOSE to glorify His name.  You must develop your skill so that your work may be effective.  All jobs are not easy, the more you know about the job and the tools that you use will make a difference.  If work was easy everyone would do it.  Make the decision to work hard and be committed to your work.  Then you can look for a reward from God.  Your plan should be to do the work of Christ and to glorify God.   What’s your claim to fame, are you self-made or can you say that you are what you are without God?  God gives every man free will or the choice to do His will.  You must give God the glory or seek your own glory.  You cannot have them both, you must make a CHOICE.  You cannot do spiritual work with the natural mind, because spiritual work is done by faith through Christ.  The FLESH and the SPIRIT will not mix, neither will love and hatred.   In the bible (KJV), the apostle Paul explains that the main work of Christians is to love one another and be a witness for the Lord. Then he explains that the law is fulfilled in one word.  “Thou shalt love thou neighbor as thyself.”   Not only love for one another but, we should not act like animals which destroy one another.  But we must let God love others through us.  Then we are reminded how we should walk (work) in this life.  Galatians 5:16-18, “This I say then, Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh. For the flesh lusteth against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh: and these are contrary the one to the other: so that you cannot do the things that ye would. But if ye be led of the Spirit, ye are not under the law.”  If you are born again you can walk in the Spirit, but if you are not, you can only do the work of the flesh.  After the new birth we are freed from the law by the Blood of Jesus Christ.  If we are led by the Spirit of God, we are under Grace.  Then we are free to work as Christ worked, we must Walk, Work, and Worship in His Holy Name.  Christ worked to please God the Father and we must work to glorify the Name of God, because God is pleased with us in Christ.  There is a saying, “never mix work with pleasure,” the Word of God is clear.  You cannot mix the work of darkness (pleasure of sin) with the work of the Light.  The work of righteousness will always prevail over the work of evil…

thunder the Baptist

“putting the Lord’s business in the street”


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