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The Cost of the Journey

Tommy Dyer

Before you take a trip, planning should be at the top of your list. Plan to stay within your budget. Sometimes emergencies happen, so you should plan for the unexpected as well. Know where you are going and how to get there. You can not always count on GPS. The knowledge of someone who has made the trip will be helpful. Following directions is key to a successful trip.

People often joke about going to heaven or hell. You don't want your destination to be hell because there is an entrance and no exit. Once you arrive, you will be there eternally. Set your goal for a place not made with hands; it's spiritual. It's a place God has created for the redeemed. Jesus makes a promise to the believer In St. John 14:2 B and verse 3. "I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also."

Going to hell is no joke. It's an ORDINARY thing to die and go to hell. It's an EXTRA-ORDINARY thing to overcome the enemy. Accept Christ as your personal Savior and go to heaven. Being born again is Exceptional, but dying and going to hell is OPTIONAL.

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