In the bible (KJV), I Corinthians 15:58, "Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye steadfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labor is not in vain in the Lord." When the Word of God tells us to be steadfast and unmoveable, we are to take a stand. We want to stand for that which is right and at all cost. We must take a stand against sin and the destruction that it causes to our lives. Life is not perfect; active sin can cause a downfall. When we are unmoveable in our trust in God, the adversary is mad. We must trust God that our work is not in vain. Remember it's His work; we are His chosen vessels. Let us join God's army. We are preparing for spiritual warfare. First, we need to become soldiers of the Kingdom of God. We must put off the old nature and put on the new nature; which is the new birth. The new birth qualifies every believer to become a soldier; prayer and bible study get you ready for the task. By the power of the Holy Spirit, we can accomplish our goals. Ephesians 6: 13-17, read this text, and remember to move forward. You have the HELMENT of Salvation to protect your head. The SHEILD of Faith and the SWORD of the Spirit, which is the Word of God to fight with. Stand on the TRUTH, wearing your BREASTPLATE of RIGHTEOUSNESS. We have the victory in Christ Jesus.
thunder the baptist
putting the Lord's business in the street