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Safe in the Lord's Hand

In the time of a pandemic, we all want to be safe. We also encourage others to be safe. With danger on every side, we should be cautious of WHO we hang out with and WHERE we hang out. Sometimes we only get ONE CHANCE to make the best decision. The best decision is not always the RIGHT decision. When you make the right decision, you can rest. You don't have to worry about the outcome. In the bible, St. John 10:27-29, Jesus gives ASSURANCE to all believers that they are safe in God's Hand. We don't have to be fearful of the enemy; Because we have a COMFORTER, a LEADER, and a TEACHER in the person of the Holy Spirit. The bible teaches us that the Holy Spirit SEALS us in Christ until His return. You must first know that the Holy Spirit is God.

The Holy Spirit as a Comforter lets us know that we are never alone. Even in your darkest hour.

The Holy Spirit as a Leader leads us to Christ for Salvation. Christ is the only way.

The Holy Spirit as a Teacher teaches us the TRUTH and about RIGHTEOUSNESS. The safest place to be is in the Hand of God, where there is no power that can overtake God. Your soul is safe in the Hand of the Lord.


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