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Tommy Dyer


Religiosity is a religious feeling. Your feelings and what you think is RIGHT is not a movement. Morals, self-righteous judgment, and acts of kindness do not constitute a religion. Religions are beliefs and practices. Christianity concentrates on BELIEF. In some societies, there is no word for religion; it is a way of understanding and living. We can not name them all. But let's learn about two in general. Some of us believe in ONE GOD (monotheistic religion). And some people who believe in several gods (polytheistic religion). Monotheistic religions include Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Polytheistic religions include Hinduism, the ancient Greek and Germanic, and others. My main reason for writing on this subject is to warn those who rely on their religion to save them. I say unto you, and I say unto all, Don't let your religion send you to HELL! Your good deeds have no saving power.

Jesus Christ gave His life so that we could be free from sin and reconciled to God. The love and mercy of God in action is grace.

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