In this life, what's your motive? Do you live to eat or eat to live? There is a difference. Set some goals and work to achieve them. Choosing the right path is the key to a successful life. Players must purchase INSURANCE for security. All born-again believers who pray have free ASSURANCE from God. People who live in a world of make-believe sometimes deceive themselves. The players enjoy the pleasure of sin, not realizing the consequences. The world is the devil's playground; you play for fun, and he plays for keeps. Be ready when the playground turns into a battleground. Without faith in God, you will lose.
It is time to get serious about life. Your choices make the difference between life and death. Prayer keeps you in the ark of safety. The Word of God is the Light of the world. We do not have to walk in darkness and be a part of the evil. Keep praying and see what God will do.
thunder the baptist
putting the Lord's business in the street